Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Donald Trump and Sean Hannity Event at Crown Center Arena in Fayetteville, North Carolina on March 9, 2016

By Fox News Channel

Sean Hannity and 2016 GOP front-runner Donald Trump will be in Fayetteville, North Carolina for an exclusive event and you can be a part of it!
Seating is based on a first come, first served basis and provided for 4,000 people.
**This will start before the Trump rally which is located in the Coliseum**
The show will air Wednesday night on the FOX NEWS CHANNEL at 10pm eastern.

Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hannity-and-trump-exclusive-event-in-fayetteville-nc-tickets-22658949528



Wish I were at home, i would be first in line! Go Trump Go!! #Minnesotansfortruthandtrump


Wish I were at home, i would be first in line! Go Trump Go!! #Minnesotansfortruthandtrump

Anonymous said...

I listen to Christian Television. They cannot endorse a candidate for fear of the Gov taking their tax exempt status away. In the past week,I will summarize what I have heard three different people/pastors say: 1. Trump is the only one speaking out against ISIS and terrorism. 2. Jesus Christ picked strong leaders such as Trump. 3. One person that speaks out against Sharia Law that gets death threats all the time said that since Trump said he would come after the terrorists, this man has very few death threats now. Bottom line: Trump is not even in office yet and has already made a difference. Thank you Mr. Trump for speaking up and trying to make us safe. Listen to his message America - he is an honest man - an outsider who cares about this Country. Make America Great Again - vote Trump.

Anonymous said...

Trump is the only real outsider left. The rest all have big money behind them and will owe their donors favors. Trump is self funding and is the only one that will work 100 percent for the good of the people. The establishment and many of the billionaires are part of the Anti-Trump destruction team. They want this election to go to a brokered convention and are talking about changing some of the rules. Trump needs to get to 1237 delegates - everyone get out and vote and show the establishment that We the People are stronger than the bias media and all the millions of dollars spent on false Trump ads. Also keep your eyes open on election day and make sure your vote is counted. Vote Trump.


Three hour difference Ariz (no DST) to East Coast time, so starts at noon Eastern Time Zone right?

On TV?

Will it stream?

Maybe Hannity's radio show website listen live?

Anonymous said...

Phoenix Rally on CSPAN 2PM EDT:


Don't know about Tucson Rally on TV but very likely on YouTube at 6PM EDT. Tom will most likely have the link.

TRUMP Speech at AIPAC at unknown time on Monday:
However, Monday Morning session will be on CSPAN-2 8AM - 10AM EDT

of course, CSPAN dates/times always subject to change...