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Sunday, May 1, 2016
Campaign Rally at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, IN - May 1, 2016
Anonymous said...
Trump is bringing some strong medicine to this country, and the party elites are scared, that their gravy train is coming to an end, that better trade deals will result in good jobs for minorities, that lobbyists will have to downsize, that waste, fraud and abuse in no-bid military contracts and pharmaceutical purchases are going to stop, and that the immigration rules which determine who, and how many people, can come into this country are in for some major changes. Time to forget parties and vote for individuals who can deliver results for the masses. Vote Trump.
I am in the process of watching the video of the rally in Fort Wayne Indiana. . .at the part where you explain driving all over New York and noticing all the empty buildings / factories that have closed. You made a remark that you could buy some of the properties, but what good would it do.
Why couldn't a factory be brought back to produce the same physical product? Just a different brand! The trained highly skilled workforce already exist and I would assume the building / factory designed to manufacture the product minus the equipment would be of help! Why couldn't another brand take the place of such brands like Carrier Air conditioner? Carrier surely doesn't have the monopoly on the entire market. Isn't there a new and more efficient Made in America brand of air conditioner company that could replace Carrier? A company that is financially solid enough to grow into the shoes of a Carrier sized company?
Maybe not every building / factory can be brought back to manufacture the same product, but you do have to admit the concept is worth exploring!
You know what Mr. Trump. . .I have been investigating estate and trust fund embezzlement for almost 14 years since I first learned about the theft 24 years after the fact. Not one person I have written to has cared enough and or had the guts to step up to the plate and help me get back what is mine. . .yet! I'm sure it would only take one phone call from someone with the right stature to resolve the situation!
I do believe the day will come when the criminals who steal from children and deceased people's estates will be going to jail and my funds will be returned.
When my funds are returned I will put a certain amount aside for myself so I will never have to worry again and payoff my debt. The majority of the funds I have plans for including helping the Veterans and also forming a Economic Development Loan Program for small businesses and manufacturing across this country! The loan interest rate will be no higher then 5%. A low interest rate helps to set businesses up to Win!
Isn't it amazing the thought of what could be accomplished if the funds were in the hands of the rightful owner! A rightful owner who is Intelligent and has a Big Heart! I am that very person!
I now believe my father was murdered when I was a child and the motive was that his estate was worth a minimum of $160 million dollars back in 1979. You do the math on 37 years of profits, intetest and equity! The interest rates were 14% and higher back then. The amount owed to me including profits interest and equity of 37 years regarding the trust fund thefts and my father's financial portfolio I believe to be in the low billions, but not limited to the foregoing!
Fortunately for me I have no statute of limitations, because I was lied to as a child. In addition they lied to the probate courts that I was over the age of 21 when I was only a 13 year old kid living in another state. They lied about my age on 4 separate documents. I had no way of knowing what was taking place in a courtroom in another state, because I was only a kid!
I was told my father was broke , but left me a small trust fund. And because my father was broke they were closing out his estate and transferring the only trust fund I knew about to Florida National Bank in Jacksonville Florida where I lived. I was told his estate was closed out in 1979 / 1980.
Fast forward 24 years later when divine intervention stepped into my life. . .and I began to unravel a huge case of theft and corruption. That is when I began the journey of learning that Bankers and Lawyers had committed fraud on the courts lying about my age, I learned my father's estate was kept open for 5 to 6 years without my knowledge, that my 1st trust fund was not a true reflection of its real value and that I had a 2nd trust fund I
Hope the revitalization concept for closed down factories help!
I had to cut my last comment short do to a maximum character count.
Finishing the 2ND trust fund sentence. . .
that I learned 24 years after my father's death that I had a 2nd trust fund in my name I never knew existed and never received!
If anyone is interested in the truth go to youtube and enter into the browser section including quotation marks the following. . ."Off The Record News Campaign" then hit enter on your computer. You are looking for the above title with additional information that reads. . .Wake Up America. . .Banks Target Kids. Part 1 documentary approximately 39:44 minutes long. You will need to put your computer into 720 pi HD to be able to review the documents / evidence.
The first 4 minutes of the documentary is a theatrical skit that was meant to coincide with a 1920's / 30's theme street campaign including picketers and newsies handing out newspapers filled with evidence. After you pass or choose to skip the first 4 minutes it gets serious. . . describing the background of the case. Then as you reach the 1/3 way mark evidence will begin to back up statements with fact. Once you reach the 1/2 way mark all the way to the end. . .you will really begin to understand the links Bankers and Lawyers, (but not limited to the foregoing) will go to cover-up embezzlement, money laundering, conspiracy to commit murder and murder! I do not believe my case is an isolated incident!
The information contained in part 1 is only a tiny fraction of the evidence I am sitting on. The F.B.I., the SEC and the Department of Justice just to name a few of the gov't agencies aware of this case and haven't done their jobs yet! The reason they haven't done their jobs is because of the involvement of powerful people including Bankers, Lawyers, Insurance Company Executives and Politicians, but not limited to the foregoing! Haven't you ever wondered where some of the campaign contributions were coming from?
I want the people involved with my father's death in jail along with the criminal enterprise responsible for the embezzlement, money laundering and conspiracy to commit murder of my life!
I spent a lot of time writing a comment that appeared if it had published. Then it just disappeared! So the last comment isn't going to make much sense without the 1st part!
I was watching your Fort Wayne Indiana rally when you were at the part where you began discussing driving around New York looking at all the closed factories. You even stated you thought about buying some of the properties. . .then thought what good would that do?
Well, wouldn't it be interesting if there was a major effort to fill the old factories with new companies manufacturing the same type of product. . .just a different brand. You would have a ready to go. . . highly skilled. . . trained workforce and a building already designed to manufacture the product minus the equipment. It could be a win win situation. Take Carrier air conditioners for an example.
Surely there must be another Made in America air conditioner company that has been in existence for a lengthy period of time. . .with a proven track record. . .and a solid financial statement ready to expand. A company that has the ability to grow and fill the shoes of the size of a company like Carrier.
I realize that not all factories can be revitalized to manufacture the same product, but I believe in many cases it would work. At least you have to admit the revitalization concept is worth exploring!
You know Mr. Trump. . .I have been investigating estate and trust fund embezzlement for a little less then 14 years. Banks stealing from kids is about as pathetic as it can get.
I do believe the criminals will end up in jail and my funds will be returned. After the funds are returned I plan to put aside a certain amount so I will never have to worry again and pay off my debt. The majority of funds I already have plans for. . .some will be used for Veterans. Then I want to form a Economic Development Loan Program for small businesses and manufacturing.
The loans will have a low interest rate of 5%! This low interest rate approach will set the businesses up to win!
Isn't it interesting what could be accomplished if the stolen funds were returned to the rightful owner. Especially when the rightful owner is Intelligent and has a Big Heart! I am that very person!
I now believe my father was murdered and the motive money. . .greed. After my father died I was told he was broke, but had left me a small trust fund. And because he was broke they were closing out his estate in Birmingham Alabama and transferring my only trust fund to Florida National Bank in Jacksonville Florida.
Fast forward 24 years later when divine intervention stepped in and I began to unravel the theft and corruption. That began to take place so long ago.
I learned my father's estate was kept open for 5 to 6 years without my knowledge. . .that my 1st trust fund was not a true reflection of its value and that I had a 2nd trust fund in my name I never knew existed and never received. In addition now believe my father was murdered and believe his estate was worth a Minimum of a $160 million dollars. When you add profits, interest and equities of 37 years. . .
the amount owed is off the charts.
There is no statute of limitations on this case because they lied! The bankers and Lawyers walked into court and submitted that I was over the age of 21 when I was only 13 year old kid!
PRAY for Mr. Trump and his entire team. Indiana, please look at the two establishment candidates Cruz and Kasich's records before voting. Please note that Cruz has been lying about Mr. Trump's policies and continues to do so. Go to to see what he really stands for. He will create jobs for all Americans and will unite the Country and make us great again. Vote Trump.
Okay, so I hear some of the pundits are mouthing that women don't like Mr. Trump. Ah, WRONG! Every one of my women friends love Mr. Trump and want to vote for him in the General Election in November should he become the presidential nominee. YES, women love Mr. Trump! I spoke with a woman in a grocery store who wants to vote for Mr. Trump. I spoke with a woman friend of mine who lives in the Buffalo, N. Y. area, and she wants to vote for Mr. Trump. I spoke with a postal worker who said that she hopes Mr. Trump wins the election. Most women I speak with want to vote for Mr. Trump. AND, the guys I speak with emulate Mr. Trump's savvy business sense. Mr. Trump walks with purpose of thought and is dressed impeccably. His suits alone must cost a big buck because they fit Mr. Trump well and are not wrinkled. His shirts are clean and crisp. Women like men in suits and ties. Some of the other male candidates need to buy and wear jeans that fit and sports coats that don't open up and show their guts like that character, Junior, in Heehaw. Handsome is as handsome does, and Mr. Trump is one hell of a good-looking dude! Yes, TRUMP is the buzzword these days. My husband and I went to a steakhouse, and wore our Trump hats and pins. As we entered the restaurant, a young handsome male host greeted us and told us that he wasn't able to vote as an Independent in the New York State primary due to his not registering as a Republican, but that he wanted Mr. Trump to win the election. So, my husband told the young man that in November he could vote for Mr. Trump in the General Election without a hitch. The young man smiled and told us that is exactly what he plans to do. Only one person thus far has said she's on the fence, though she told me that she most likely will vote TRUMP in November. What's not to like about Mr. Trump? The man has a presence like a panther ready to take on anybody or anything in his path. Like a protector. Mr. Trump wants to "make America great again" folks! I mean, Mr. Trump and his family could be vacationing and sipping nonalcoholic hot toddies, but instead their lives are in upheaval. Why? Because Mr. Trump AND his family want to "make America great again". And, Bernie, please ask Mr. Trump for some hairspray, will you?
Laura - read your entire post and sorry you were taken advantage of like that. Unfortunately, there are so many evil greedy people in the world. I hope you find some good people with the knowledge and experience with situations like yours to help you. Just wanted to wish you luck with it and also wanted to say I enjoy your posts and hope you will continue to post on this site. Take Care.
I appreciate your compassion. There is no doubt in my mind that eventually the criminals will go to jail. . .and I will win this fight, because I never quit!
Sorry for the additional 1st part. . . the original really did disappear. I believe the host of the website had something to do with holding it back. To all Trump supporters please except my apology for the 2nd. . .1st part!
As for Mr. Trump I hope and pray he wins with a huge landslide today in Indiana! Go. . .Trump!!!
Trump is bringing some strong medicine to this country, and the party elites are scared, that their gravy train is coming to an end, that better trade deals will result in good jobs for minorities, that lobbyists will have to downsize, that waste, fraud and abuse in no-bid military contracts and pharmaceutical purchases are going to stop, and that the immigration rules which determine who, and how many people, can come into this country are in for some major changes. Time to forget parties and vote for individuals who can deliver results for the masses. Vote Trump.
Dear Mr. Trump:
I am in the process of watching the video of the rally in Fort Wayne Indiana. . .at the part where you explain driving all over New York and noticing all the empty buildings / factories that have closed. You made a remark that you could buy some of the properties, but what good would it do.
Why couldn't a factory be brought back to produce the same physical product? Just a different brand! The trained highly skilled workforce already exist and I would assume the building / factory designed to manufacture the product minus the equipment would be of help! Why couldn't another brand take the place of such brands like Carrier Air conditioner? Carrier surely doesn't have the monopoly on the entire market. Isn't there a new and more efficient Made in America brand of air conditioner company that could replace Carrier? A company that is financially solid enough to grow into the shoes of a Carrier sized company?
Maybe not every building / factory can be brought back to manufacture the same product, but you do have to admit the concept is worth exploring!
You know what Mr. Trump. . .I have been investigating estate and trust fund embezzlement for almost 14 years since I first learned about the theft 24 years after the fact. Not one person I have written to has cared enough and or had the guts to step up to the plate and help me get back what is mine. . .yet! I'm sure it would only take one phone call from someone with the right stature to resolve the situation!
I do believe the day will come when the criminals who steal from children and deceased people's estates will be going to jail and my funds will be returned.
When my funds are returned I will put a certain amount aside for myself so I will never have to worry again and payoff my debt. The majority of the funds I have plans for including helping the Veterans and also forming a Economic Development Loan Program for small businesses and manufacturing across this country! The loan interest rate will be no higher then 5%. A low interest rate helps to set businesses up to Win!
Isn't it amazing the thought of what could be accomplished if the funds were in the hands of the rightful owner! A rightful owner who is Intelligent and has a Big Heart! I am that very person!
I now believe my father was murdered when I was a child and the motive was that his estate was worth a minimum of $160 million dollars back in 1979. You do the math on 37 years of profits, intetest and equity! The interest rates were 14% and higher back then. The amount owed to me including profits interest and equity of 37 years regarding the trust fund thefts and my father's financial portfolio I believe to be in the low billions, but not limited to the foregoing!
Fortunately for me I have no statute of limitations, because I was lied to as a child. In addition they lied to the probate courts that I was over the age of 21 when I was only a 13 year old kid living in another state. They lied about my age on 4 separate documents. I had no way of knowing what was taking place in a courtroom in another state, because I was only a kid!
I was told my father was broke , but left me a small trust fund. And because my father was broke they were closing out his estate and transferring the only trust fund I knew about to Florida National Bank in Jacksonville Florida where I lived. I was told his estate was closed out in 1979 / 1980.
Fast forward 24 years later when divine intervention stepped into my life. . .and I began to unravel a huge case of theft and corruption. That is when I began the journey of learning that Bankers and Lawyers had committed fraud on the courts lying about my age, I learned my father's estate was kept open for 5 to 6 years without my knowledge, that my 1st trust fund was not a true reflection of its real value and that I had a 2nd trust fund I
Hope the revitalization concept for closed down factories help!
Ms. Laura L. Johnson
Dear Mr. Trump:
I had to cut my last comment short do to a maximum character count.
Finishing the 2ND trust fund sentence. . .
that I learned 24 years after my father's death that I had a 2nd trust fund in my name I never knew existed and never received!
If anyone is interested in the truth go to youtube and enter into the browser section including quotation marks the following. . ."Off The Record News Campaign" then hit enter on your computer. You are looking for the above title with additional information that reads. . .Wake Up America. . .Banks Target Kids. Part 1 documentary approximately 39:44 minutes long. You will need to put your computer into 720 pi HD to be able to review the documents / evidence.
The first 4 minutes of the documentary is a theatrical skit that was meant to coincide with a 1920's / 30's theme street campaign including picketers and newsies handing out newspapers filled with evidence. After you pass or choose to skip the first 4 minutes it gets serious. . . describing the background of the case. Then as you reach the 1/3 way mark evidence will begin to back up statements with fact. Once you reach the 1/2 way mark all the way to the end. . .you will really begin to understand the links Bankers and Lawyers, (but not limited to the foregoing) will go to cover-up embezzlement, money laundering, conspiracy to commit murder and murder! I do not believe my case is an isolated incident!
The information contained in part 1 is only a tiny fraction of the evidence I am sitting on. The F.B.I., the SEC and the Department of Justice just to name a few of the gov't agencies aware of this case and haven't done their jobs yet! The reason they haven't done their jobs is because of the involvement of powerful people including Bankers, Lawyers, Insurance Company Executives and Politicians, but not limited to the foregoing! Haven't you ever wondered where some of the campaign contributions were coming from?
I want the people involved with my father's death in jail along with the criminal enterprise responsible for the embezzlement, money laundering and conspiracy to commit murder of my life!
Ms. Laura L. Johnson
This is a Loyality Fan site, run by our host/admin, Tom.
At the Top Right of the website, thereis Trump's contact information:
Contact Mr. Trump via Donald J. Trump for President, Inc:
There is no way that comments directed to Mr. Trump here ever make it to his attention. Try the Contact links !!!
Dear Mr. Trump:
I spent a lot of time writing a comment that appeared if it had published. Then it just disappeared! So the last comment isn't going to make much sense without the 1st part!
I was watching your Fort Wayne Indiana rally when you were at the part where you began discussing driving around New York looking at all the closed factories. You even stated you thought about buying some of the properties. . .then thought what good would that do?
Well, wouldn't it be interesting if there was a major effort to fill the old factories with new companies manufacturing the same type of product. . .just a different brand. You would have a ready to go. . . highly skilled. . . trained workforce and a building already designed to manufacture the product minus the equipment. It could be a win win situation. Take Carrier air conditioners for an example.
Surely there must be another Made in America air conditioner company that has been in existence for a lengthy period of time. . .with a proven track record. . .and a solid financial statement ready to expand. A company that has the ability to grow and fill the shoes of the size of a company like Carrier.
I realize that not all factories can be revitalized to manufacture the same product, but I believe in many cases it would work. At least you have to admit the revitalization concept is worth exploring!
You know Mr. Trump. . .I have been investigating estate and trust fund embezzlement for a little less then 14 years. Banks stealing from kids is about as pathetic as it can get.
I do believe the criminals will end up in jail and my funds will be returned. After the funds are returned I plan to put aside a certain amount so I will never have to worry again and pay off my debt. The majority of funds I already have plans for. . .some will be used for Veterans. Then I want to form a Economic Development Loan Program for small businesses and manufacturing.
The loans will have a low interest rate of 5%! This low interest rate approach will set the businesses up to win!
Isn't it interesting what could be accomplished if the stolen funds were returned to the rightful owner. Especially when the rightful owner is Intelligent and has a Big Heart! I am that very person!
I now believe my father was murdered and the motive money. . .greed. After my father died I was told he was broke, but had left me a small trust fund. And because he was broke they were closing out his estate in Birmingham Alabama and transferring my only trust fund to Florida National Bank in Jacksonville Florida.
Fast forward 24 years later when divine intervention stepped in and I began to unravel the theft and corruption. That began to take place so long ago.
I learned my father's estate was kept open for 5 to 6 years without my knowledge. . .that my 1st trust fund was not a true reflection of its value and that I had a 2nd trust fund in my name I never knew existed and never received. In addition now believe my father was murdered and believe his estate was worth a Minimum of a $160 million dollars. When you add profits, interest and equities of 37 years. . .
the amount owed is off the charts.
There is no statute of limitations on this case because they lied! The bankers and Lawyers walked into court and submitted that I was over the age of 21 when I was only 13 year old kid!
They lied on 4 separate documents.
Watch the documentary listed above for the truth!
Ms. Laura L. Johnson
Thank you for your suggestion regarding the Trump contact information!
Ms. Laura L. Johnson
PRAY for Mr. Trump and his entire team. Indiana, please look at the two establishment candidates Cruz and Kasich's records before voting. Please note that Cruz has been lying about Mr. Trump's policies and continues to do so. Go to to see what he really stands for. He will create jobs for all Americans and will unite the Country and make us great again. Vote Trump.
Mr. Trump:
Good luck in Indiana!
Okay, so I hear some of the pundits are mouthing that women don't like Mr. Trump. Ah, WRONG! Every one of my women friends love Mr. Trump and want to vote for him in the General Election in November should he become the presidential nominee. YES, women love Mr. Trump! I spoke with a woman in a grocery store who wants to vote for Mr. Trump. I spoke with a woman friend of mine who lives in the Buffalo, N. Y. area, and she wants to vote for Mr. Trump. I spoke with a postal worker who said that she hopes Mr. Trump wins the election. Most women I speak with want to vote for Mr. Trump. AND, the guys I speak with emulate Mr. Trump's savvy business sense. Mr. Trump walks with purpose of thought and is dressed impeccably. His suits alone must cost a big buck because they fit Mr. Trump well and are not wrinkled. His shirts are clean and crisp. Women like men in suits and ties. Some of the other male candidates need to buy and wear jeans that fit and sports coats that don't open up and show their guts like that character, Junior, in Heehaw. Handsome is as handsome does, and Mr. Trump is one hell of a good-looking dude! Yes, TRUMP is the buzzword these days. My husband and I went to a steakhouse, and wore our Trump hats and pins. As we entered the restaurant, a young handsome male host greeted us and told us that he wasn't able to vote as an Independent in the New York State primary due to his not registering as a Republican, but that he wanted Mr. Trump to win the election. So, my husband told the young man that in November he could vote for Mr. Trump in the General Election without a hitch. The young man smiled and told us that is exactly what he plans to do. Only one person thus far has said she's on the fence, though she told me that she most likely will vote TRUMP in November. What's not to like about Mr. Trump? The man has a presence like a panther ready to take on anybody or anything in his path. Like a protector. Mr. Trump wants to "make America great again" folks! I mean, Mr. Trump and his family could be vacationing and sipping nonalcoholic hot toddies, but instead their lives are in upheaval. Why? Because Mr. Trump AND his family want to "make America great again". And, Bernie, please ask Mr. Trump for some hairspray, will you?
Laura - read your entire post and sorry you were taken advantage of like that. Unfortunately, there are so many evil greedy people in the world. I hope you find some good people with the knowledge and experience with situations like yours to help you. Just wanted to wish you luck with it and also wanted to say I enjoy your posts and hope you will continue to post on this site. Take Care.
Dear Anonymous:
I appreciate your compassion. There is no doubt in my mind that eventually the criminals will go to jail. . .and I will win this fight, because I never quit!
Sorry for the additional 1st part. . . the original really did disappear. I believe the host of the website had something to do with holding it back. To all Trump supporters please except my apology for the 2nd. . .1st part!
As for Mr. Trump I hope and pray he wins with a huge landslide today in Indiana! Go. . .Trump!!!
Ms. Laura L. Johnson