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Friday, December 11, 2015
AnonymousDecember 11, 2015 at 7:50 PM
I pray God's angels surround #Trump and keep him safe and sound - surround his family and staff and keep them ALL continually safe throughout this process until he leave the WH in 2024. In Jesus Name I pray!
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AnonymousDecember 11, 2015 at 7:59 PM
Trump is dividing the country more than anyone ever has. He loves putting everyone down, except for the idiots who support him. Look who he married..... a model? Does she know anything about anything? He did that because he's a control freak and a narcissist.
December 11, 2015 at 8:36 PM
You are absolutely misinformed that you'd rather a criminal in the white house or a puppet. You need to stop following the sheep and do your own research because this path is bringing the country down.
December 11, 2015 at 9:28 PM
Just empty words. Stupidity
December 12, 2015 at 12:44 AM
I believe you need to stand corrected Anonymous at 7:59. It's idiots like you that should look at this country's divide and OWN the MESS we are in! Fools like YOU have divided this country and put our citizens in harms way! I have to say, Donald will be the "control freak" this country and the world needs for America!
AnonymousJanuary 10, 2016 at 7:33 PM
Obama is the one that has divided people, especially with Blacks and Whites. I have never seen anything like this in my life, and I am an old person. I was for Obama, but now in Obama's second term, I am on the Trump Train!!!
I saw someone comment that Trump was the man that can! I believe that, as he cannot be bought or sold, and he knows how to make deals, and is truly more honest than our president now, and any of the other candidates!!!
Trump in 2016 and Trump in 2020!!!
AnonymousDecember 11, 2015 at 8:03 PM
There is no other candidate with the courage and fighting spirit to do the right thing, who is not owned by other interests, and who has the good of American people as the goal. His support goes way beyond party lines. He is authentic and will win.
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December 11, 2015 at 8:37 PM
If the RNC do not nominate you, I am ready to re-register (with my whole family), and go wherever you want us to go. You WILL be elected.
I have put my total trust in your for the lives and freedom of my precious grandchildren - surely as precious as yours are to you.
You have our love and support.
December 11, 2015 at 8:39 PM
#Trump #TrumpTrain #DonaldJTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #WomenForTrump #Hillaryforprison #TheSilentMajoritySilentNoMore #VoteTrump #TRUMPISWINNING #ChristiansforTrump #WomenLoveTrump
#NoAmnesty #CloseBorders #SafezoneinSyria
#Trump #TrumpTrain #DonaldJTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #WomenForTrump #Hillaryforprison #TheSilentMajoritySilentNoMore #VoteTrump #TRUMPISWINNING #ChristiansforTrump #WomenLoveTrump
#NoAmnesty #CloseBorders #SafezoneinSyria
#6CorporationsOwnMedia -
AnonymousDecember 11, 2015 at 8:47 PM
I can't believe that this many people believe that Trump can build a giant magic wall!! He's out of control and everyone is drinking the koolaid
December 11, 2015 at 9:29 PM
Anonymous PERSON you made do not know THAT PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP will not accept, will not tolerate, will allow Americans to drink fake, false, failure, façade folly Koolaid like other Millennium Presidents !
AnonymousDecember 11, 2015 at 9:31 PM
I can't believe that there are some people who are so stupid, and so out of touch, that they do not understand how a wall is built.
December 11, 2015 at 8:51 PM
Tired of the 5% who represent the 1% trying to convince us that only they know what's how to ain't working anymore .
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December 11, 2015 at 8:56 PM
Tired of the 5% who represent the 1% trying to convince us that only they know what's how to ain't working anymore .
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December 11, 2015 at 8:58 PM
Tired of the 5% who represent the 1% trying to convince us that only they know what's how to ain't working anymore .
Smart & Tough!
Reply#Trump2016 even if I have to write him in!!!
Good luck events are feeding your popularity!
ReplyHillary can't fill a 45 seat room for a town hall ! Trump has to turn away half the town at a stadium! Trump 2016 !
ReplyYou got that right! Looks packed, amazing, enjoy!!
So excited to hear what he may say next! TRUMP 2016!
ReplyI have to be anonymous because I got banned by YouTube & Google+
Trump or No One.....The rest are ALL the Same....
ReplyI don't know who she was, but she's way too old-school political rah rah. Inane all the way.
ReplyI pray God's angels surround #Trump and keep him safe and sound - surround his family and staff and keep them ALL continually safe throughout this process until he leave the WH in 2024
ReplyKeep him and his family in your prayers. I pray for him all the time.